井澤 誠
Makoto Izawa

Au Ra Xaela male (he/him), 28Tan skin, black hair with brown highlights, dark brown eyes with yellow limbal rings, 7'1".


Makoto’s family were among the first Xaela to immigrate to Hingashi, their martial prowess constructing the Far East’s stereotypical image of the competent fighter Au Ra. Makoto was born to fight, learning the art of combat from an early age in accordance with family expectations. He was raised to be the attendant and bodyguard for the Kimura daughter - Masako, and performed dutifully until she ran away from home. Despite being only 15 and an unusual-looking person of a race rarely seen in Eorzea, Masako remained elusive and her lack of capture plagued Makoto, the Kimura household, and Hingan nobility for years.During his time in Eorzea pursuing Masako, Makoto met a wide variety of people in spite of his preference for working alone. Still, no young and impressionable warrior could resist learning about new techniques and weapons when opportunity presented itself.Masako remained a ghost just out of reach. She spoke to him once from a mountainside, and the brief conversation made Makoto realise his loyalty was to her rather than their families. He remained on her trail to lend her a helping hand from afar and even to save her life a few times, but no longer endeavoured to capture her.With no reason to return home empty-handed, Makoto took up bounty hunting and mercenary work. His current target is the beast that slew his mother.


Makoto is a pragmatist to the end, his stoicism and common sense keeping any company of his grounded. Distant and taciturn as the winter cold, but capable and adaptable in any situation.LOVES: Well-crafted weapons
LIKES: Thunderstorms, aquariums, jackets, foxes, sparrows
DISLIKES: Fried food, mountain climbing, being asked for directions
COLOUR: Dark blue
FOOD: Shrimp
MINION: Road Sparrow
META: Makoto was conceptualized as a reverse version of Masako but has since become his own character.

井澤 汐里
Shiori Izawa

Au Ra Xaela female (she/her), 21
Makoto's half-sister (same father, second wife).
Fair skin, black hair she dyes to match her brother's, dark brown eyes with yellow limbal rings, 5'0".LORE: Pretty as a picture, Shiori is a tempestuous, man-eating woman. Her ire is easily incurred and her respect hard to win, but she's an expert judge of character and actions. The type to go after what she wants and do what must be done, steering her own fate. Impatient and loathes to wait for others.Though the tradition of her household dictated that she become a warrior, she took to performance with prodigious forte and was trained to be an actress. She looked up to Masako, seeing her as an idol figure and older sister. Being 12 when Masako fled home and Makoto had to follow, Shiori was left lonely and heartbroken for a long time.

木村 雅子
Masako Kimura

Au Ra Raen female (she/her), 24Snow white skin, muted green hair, dark green eyes with pale yellow limbal rings, 4'10".


Masako was born in Kugane to a lineage of talented performers. She was trained in the entertainment arts from a young age - singing, dancing, acting for audiences consisting primarily of the privileged upper echelon of Hingan society. Nothing short of perfection was expected out of her. She fled from home at 15 to become a face in the crowd where she would no longer be stifled by tradition and family.A long journey eventually brought her to Eorzea where she took up adventuring to stay on the move, picking up jobs and contracts wherever they were available. She eluded multiple times the people sent to track her down. Though her lack of experience and strength almost resulted in more than one untimely death, she would pull through over the years to become an expert adventurer in her own right.She did not contact her parents until almost a decade later after establishing her own small Hingan restaurant, where she would occasionally perform for the masses - including commoners. Her father had become ill in her absence, but she was able to spend some time with both of her parents before he passed. Her relationship with her mother remains somewhat awkward.


Masako is a prideful, kind-hearted, short-tempered lady. Since parting from a lifetime of being a caged songbird, she has mellowed over the years. She is oftentimes stubborn and strict with her employees, aloof with strangers. She has a strong sense of morals and is prone to being overly formal.LOVES: Cats! Kittens!!
LIKES: Swimming, rain, jasmine tea, archery
DISLIKES: Heat, wearing armor, eggs - especially hard-boiled
COLOUR: Scarlet
FOOD: Tuna tataki, caramel
MINION: Tora-jiro
META: Masako's character note is "matcha porcelain" and her colour scheme is based off of that. She was created in one effortless attempt when I started FFXIV and her appearance was edited only once to change her hairstyle.

Agacia rem Canidius

Viera Rava female (she/her)Light brown skin, blonde hair, off white eyes, 6'3".LORE: With a Garlean father and Rava mother, Agacia has faced some difficulties at home for not being pureblooded. She has been partially shielded thanks to her father’s rank, her zealous love for the Empire, and her skill in battle both as a commander and combatant.